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SAFE Sexual Assault Fighters Elite logo. Created to build a force against Child Sexual Abuse.

Here is where you can find out more about me and what I'm doing from day to day to move forward and live again.


Happy New Year! Such an honor to get to visit so many of you in person.

Happy New Year 🎈 to a group of courageous survivors!!

I want to thank all of you for your friendship and loyal support since the start of this campaign, Sexual Assault Fighter’s Elite Inc. I still feel the Transformational Coach Training Certification is critical to the effectiveness of 707SAFE efforts and it expensive. We still need $3,000 for me to finish what I started to put a value to my voice. Everything so far has been a labor of love and wouldn’t have it other way. Also, as an idea if you want to hold a fundraiser for you birthday that can be sent to our GoFundMe campaign. My editor had that great idea. I appreciate all your support. If your can’t donate PLEASE SHARE.

Kindly Romy 707SAFE Sexual Assault Fighter’s Elite INC

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